Earning made Easy
1. Internal Content post and Engagements: We pay you for every comment you make on Payhankey. Every like and comment your posts gets earns you money. This means we pay you for liking and comment on your posts
2. Monetize your TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and other social media: You earn $1 from every 1000 views on review videos you make about Payhankey on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok. Once the video (s) goes viral (20, 000 views and above), you earn $20.
3. MonetIize Views on your TikTok, Instagram and Facebook: Payhankey pays you when you share your posts from Payhankey to other social media to get views, likes and comment.
4. Sign Up bonus: For registering on Payhankey, you earn up to $3 sign up bonus
5. Referal bonus: We pay you up to $5 on each user you refer. Copy your referral link from your Profile, share with your friends, add to your social media bio for users to sign up using your referral link.